Clair and Sarah’s Sequence

Dear Clair and Sarah, enjoy your holidays and a little bit of yoga (if you have time). Best regards, Tatiana

  1. 3 part abdominal breathing (5 breaths)
  2. Surya Namaskar 1 to 3 rounds depending on your time availability(if you click on the link and scroll down, you will see the sequences)
  3. Dandasana (5 breaths)

4. Baddhakonasana (5 breaths)

5. Upavista Konasana (5 breaths)

6. Virasana (5 breaths)

7. Adho Mukha Svanasana (5 breaths)

8. Uttanasana (5 breaths)

9. Tadasana (3 breaths) + variations wish arms’ stretch in Tadasana (3 breaths each pose)

10. Ardha Chandrasana (3 to 5 breaths)

11. Inversion (for Clair: legs up the wall on the cushion, for Sarah: Shoulder stand and Halasana)

12. Savasana (5 minutes)

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