Dear Clair and Sarah, enjoy your holidays and a little bit of yoga (if you have time). Best regards, Tatiana
- 3 part abdominal breathing (5 breaths)
- Surya Namaskar 1 to 3 rounds depending on your time availability(if you click on the link and scroll down, you will see the sequences)
- Dandasana (5 breaths)
4. Baddhakonasana (5 breaths)
5. Upavista Konasana (5 breaths)
6. Virasana (5 breaths)
7. Adho Mukha Svanasana (5 breaths)
8. Uttanasana (5 breaths)
9. Tadasana (3 breaths) + variations wish arms’ stretch in Tadasana (3 breaths each pose)
10. Ardha Chandrasana (3 to 5 breaths)
11. Inversion (for Clair: legs up the wall on the cushion, for Sarah: Shoulder stand and Halasana)
12. Savasana (5 minutes)